Products Overview


AutoBlocks™ revolutionizes the world of custom machine builds by introducing a standardized approach, effectively minimizing costs and mitigating risks associated with constructing automated systems. Our innovative methodology involves a meticulous step-by-step process that empowers our team of expert engineers to concentrate on strategic customization aspects, such as fixtures, grippers, and other essential end-of-arm tooling. As a result, the machines we deliver adhere to the highly efficient 80/20 rule—80% standardized and 20% tailored to your specific needs.

By embracing this controlled and structured approach, we ensure a predictable and transparent development process that fosters trust among our clients. The predictability of our methodology enables the creation of machines that are not only reliable but also repeatable, scalable, and remarkably easy to support. With AutoBlocks™, you can expect consistent and top-notch performance from your machines, while enjoying the peace of mind that comes with a streamlined and optimized manufacturing process.

Control Blocks

Every AutoBlocks™ system starts with a Control Block. These fundamental building blocks function as the machine master controller. Although these blocks can be configured to operate as slaves, a machine build must contain at least one control block. This includes controlling and coordinating operator interaction (HMI, buttons, load/unload sensors, etc.), safety (light curtains, e-stop, power disconnect, etc,), communication (Ethernet IP/Modbus TCP, Modbus RTU, I/O) for the complete machine. After selecting a Control Block, you will design a machine by adding robots, application kits, and accessories.

Robot Blocks

After selecting and configuring your Control Block you will be able to add and configure Robot Blocks. Each Control Block will have a range of available Robot Blocks that can be attached to your Control Block to extend the capabilities of your machine. The universe of Robot Blocks is constantly expanding with custom options available upon request. Robot blocks typically cannot function without a Control Block and can be configured and customized using Application Kits & Accessories.

Application Kits

After selecting and configuring a Robot Block you will be able to add and configure Application Kits. Each Robot Block will have a range of available Application Kits which can be attached to your Robot to enable your application. The range of Application Kits includes industry-leading hardware solutions that you already trust and can be quickly configured to your Autoblocks machine. At this stage of the machine’s build, you are approximately 80% configured and have a starting place for your budget. It is likely you will require some custom tooling such as grippers, fixtures, solder tips, engineer valves, or other NRE to complete your machine build. These items can be completed by your preferred integrator, yourself, or an Auto Blocks certified integrator.


The final step to building an AutoBlocks machine is adding accessories to enhance functionality and safety. Accessories include items such as light curtains, vision systems, cloud data collection, door switches, etc. These devices are available in plug & play kits that include everything you need to add them without any additional hardware or software to be up an running in minutes.
